Born in 1989 from the restoration of an ancient baronial house thanks to the work and commitment of the Autelitano brothers who continue with passion to carry on this activity alongside the existing Bergamot and factory, where we produce our liqueurs and all the specialties of our company. To the two rooms that were initially rented, new accommodations have been added over the years, more and more comfortable and adapted to the needs of the guests. The rooms are arranged on two different structures but which are part of a single complex immersed in the beautiful citrus grove that smells the air with its unmistakable aromas and makes the environment always fresh even on the hot August days ..
The delicious kitchen of Spina Santa is served in a large outdoor dining room surrounded by greenery or alternatively in a characteristic inner room where air conditioning is available. Guests will be able to follow us in the activities of the campaign such as caring for and harvesting vegetables, or if they get up early, help us make bread, or maybe ask us to see how we make liqueurs, with the exclusion, of course, of the production phases covered by the secret ...
In the small world of Spina Santa, a farm with ancient traditions, you will find:
the breakfasts with bergamot and orange jams of our production;
the succulent dishes of the most traditional Calabrian cuisine;
company productions : liqueurs, spirits, baba ', Bergotto, the first fizzy drink with real bergamot juice and so much more that you can also buy in our online store;
the small playground with swings, panoramic bridge and saltarelli; the animal farm with the horses Thor, Nerina and the donkeys Ginger and the daughter Gina who are waiting for you to make you a nice ride.
guided tours : in the company it is possible to follow some typical activities such as the production and baking of bread in a wood-fired oven and some steps of the liqueur production process.
L’azienda agricola-agrituristica La Spina Santa si trova a Bova Marina,un piccolo centro turistico a circa 40 Km da Reggio Calabria.
Situata a 500 metri dal mare e dalle sue spiagge bellissime, immersa in una cerchia di colline fra il verde delle piantagioni di bergamotto, gode di un’ottima posizione, al centro dell’Area Grecanica.
L’azienda agrituristica “La Spina Santa” è il luogo ideale per gli escursionisti e per quanti amano una vacanza a diretto contatto con la natura. Ideale per chi vuole vivere sano e immergersi nella natura senza rinunciare alle comodità della vita.Il caratteristico ambiente con le sue serate folkloristiche vi permetterà di trascorrere un soggiorno di ottima qualità.
Alla ” Spina Santa ” ci si puo’ rilassare e divertire andando in giro per la fattoria a diretto contatto con la natura e con tutti i nostri animali ; come Ginger e Fred , i nostri simpatici asinelli che potete incontrare facilmente mentre girano liberi per l’agriturismo o il cavallo Thor sempre fiero e altezzoso ma disponibile se gli porgi una caramella.
Inoltre potrai deliziarti con i nostri piatti ,tutti preparati con prodotti genuini e secondo le ricette della piu’ classica cucina calabrese.E che dire della pizza cotta nel forno a legna….un vanto del nostro agriturismo.
The farm-holiday farm is located in La Spina Santa Bova Marina, a small resort about 40 km from Reggio Calabria. Located 500 meters from the sea and its beautiful beaches, surrounded by a circle of green hills between the plantations of bergamot, ideally located in the center of the area Grecanica.
Die Farm-Bauernhof liegt in La Spina Santa Bova Marina, einem kleinen Ort etwa 40 km von Reggio Calabria entfernt. Das Hotel liegt 500 Meter vom Meer und seinen schönen Stränden, von einem Kreis von grünen Hügeln zwischen den Plantagen von Bergamotte, idealerweise in der Mitte des Raums befindet Grecanica umgeben.